Monday, March 17, 2014

a. Was your test successful?
 Yes. My test was sucessful. but some question is misunderstand so little bit diffrent.

b. Do you believe the results fairly reflect your own personality?
No. I don't believe this results. Because people personality is not expectation from just few question.
but it just we can enjoy.

c. Did you corretly predict your personality type?
No. I didn't predict my personality type. my type is many kind of things!

d. What was different from your expectations?
My result is Extravert-44%,  Sensing-50%,  Thinking-19%,  Perceiving-6%. But my expectations was sensing is 70.

e. What do you think about this kind of test?
I like this test. Because personality is not counting. But this kind of test is we can expectation personality. Even this is not correct but it just fun!!

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